Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)
Cygnus Wall NGC 7000, Jeff Rothstein
Cygnus Wall NGC 7000
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Cygnus Wall NGC 7000

Cygnus Wall NGC 7000, Jeff Rothstein
Cygnus Wall NGC 7000
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Cygnus Wall NGC 7000



Acquisition details



The familiar Cygnus Wall in SHO, my first with Antlia 3 nm SHO filters.  The Wall comprises Mexico and Central America in the North America Nebula, 2500 light years away.  The NA Nebula and Pelican Nebula, though appearing distinct from Earth, are in fact part of a single, giant region divided by a large, intervening dust cloud. 

I had just two clear nights in mid-August to go after this target, so the overall exposure time is short. 

Processed entirely in PixInsight.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Cygnus Wall NGC 7000, Jeff Rothstein

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